VST plug-in instrument for VST® compatible systems. Also standalone version.
This VST software synthesizer delivers rich, dense and spacious sounds that offer vast creative potential. It is possible to make a wide variety of sounds, from warm etheral pads, to sharp metallic timbres. As well as experimental outer space effect sounds. The plug-in combines these with a clear and responsive front panel interface with all the key sound shaping controls you need. The Wollo Voyager is a virtual analog synthesizer designed for use in a VST sequenzer host for PC. Also the synth is available as a standalone version.This sophisticated Synthesizer combines analog style sounds with onboard effect processors and EQ. Delay, Flanger and an advanced Reverb section. Wollo Voyager is dedicated to produce sounds that is especially useful in modern electronic ambient and
space music styles. Great for pads and soundscapes!

Main features:
- Advanced analog-modelling synthesis with 2 Oscillators
- Filter with ADSR and Amount
- LFO with Speed and Depth
- 16 Step LFO with host time sync
- Panning Delay with host time sync
- Flanger
- Sophisticated Reverb section with EQ
- 4 band Equalizer for total overall sound
- Mouse Controlled Device for live use (not yet finished)
- Virtual animated mouse Keyboard and MIDI monitor
- Preset Manager with one bank of 64 presets

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